Monthly Archives: December 2011

New Project: Infinity Scarf

I really think I have to figure out how to knit according to the patterns. I decided to take on this pattern I found on Ravelry. But of course, I’m not using the right yarn!! Oh well.

It’s coming  along- but it is the first time I’ve had to follow a pattern with counting. It’s also my first cable pattern, and I’m having some concerns about my cabling. There seem to be quite large gapping holes around the cables. I haven’t done cables, so I don’t know if this is normal, or if it’s because the pattern calls for 8 cable stitches; usually I’ve seen cable stitches for 4-6 stitches, not 8.

Anyway…pictures to follow!

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Sore shoulders

Every once in a while I will catch myself sitting in an incredibly awkward position while I knit. I get my right shoulder into a frozen position and start knitting like that for HOURS. I don’t really know why I don’t notice it all the time, it isn’t particularly comfortable.

This morning, I woke up with a very sore shoulder. I started thinking, this IS NOT the right way to knit. I started looking for a book that I had seen somewhere…and I found it! (God Bless! I don’t know if this book is going to fix my life, but I think it’s probably a very good start.

Laidback knitters also have a website here.

Next Amazon order I place, this will be on my list!


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The sad little scarf

Well, this scarf isn’t turning out quite as I had hoped.
Wool: big softie
Needles: 8mm
Pattern: knit 2 purl 2 (cast on 16)

Ultimately, I’ve messed up on this scarf a few times…I’ve purled where I should have knit, I’ve twisted a few stitches, I’ve messed up my tension more than a few times. But bless my sister, she says she loves it (so far– I showed her on the 26th) and has said she’ll wear it, goof-ups and all.


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And on to the next project

For my next project, I’m creating a skinny infinity scarf for my sister. I’ll be honest- I’m cheating. I’m going to sew the ends of the scarf together to make the infinity loop. I did get circular needles for christmas, so the next goal I have is to learn to knit in the round. However, I had already started this scarf on straight needles, so I am just continuing on with it.


I have to admit, I’m loving my interchangeable needles. I love that when I’m not knitting, I can let the row rest on the cable. I love that I can have a smaller space to knit in, versus what I had to have when I was using my longer straight needles. I love that they are pretty colours (yup, I’m one of those!). And most of all, I love that my mom bought them for me. It might sound sappy, but quite often, I have things for the “right now” not for the “long term”, and I feel like knitting needles, if taken care of, can be a long term thing that I can use with my children, and my children’s children…

Since I’m not going to get much else done today, I think I’ll turn off my computer and get back to knitting.

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My Very Knitty Christmas

What a Christmas!

I spent the 23rd and 24th with my husband’s family. Unfortunately I didn’t get her scarf done, so I had to keep knitting– in front of her. It was okay– and I ended up finishing the scarf right before we had to leave! I think it looked great on her, and I hope she likes it as much as I do!

My mom also managed to surprize me with a gift I was not expecting. She gave me a gift that I didn’t think I would ever get, and one that frankly, I didn’t know existed. She gave me my grandmother’s knitting needles. I don’t think I’ve ever received a Christmas gift that has made me cry like that before. Completely blindsided! I haven’t decided how to best honor these needles yet, but I will.

She also got me a gorgeous set of acrylic interchangeable needles, and I really like the way they knit! They’re taking a bit to get used to, but I really like them!

I hope everyone had a really fabulous Christmas!

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Lucky Knitter

As I wrote about yesterday, I’m short on wool that I need to finish my pattern.
I called to another local yarn store to find….THEY HAVE 20 BALLS OF WHAT I NEED! YIPPEE!

After everything that has gone wrong this week, I think I am entitled to something nice.The only downside is that this store closes at 6pm tonight, and I most likely won’t make it there before then. I am hoping I can pick it up tomorrow morning, before heading into work.

Huge sigh of relief.

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A new knitting lesson learned

I learned something new today- and unfortunately, I learned it the hard way.

When I started my scarf I thought I would need two balls of yarn. The idea of more than two balls being used on this scarf was more than overwhelming. Now, as I near the end of the second ball, I realize that It isn’t going to be enough. I went into the yarn store to find that they had SOLD OUT of the colour I was using. I wanted to cry. Part of this is that I knew I would need a third ball, and went in to the yarn store last week, and didn’t buy it. I thought “I’ll grab it when I get closer to the end”. Now, I’m kicking myself for not buying it when I had the chance.


So….I guess I make due with what I have. And learn that next time, Buy than what I think I’ll need.

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Knitting Etiquette

I have had a run of bad luck with my car lately- the most recent in a series of trips to the mechanic is due to my clutch giving out (needless to say, driving up a hill on a dark and rainy night and having your clutch fail is not the most preferred situation to be experienced!!!). My car has been out of commission since Saturday night. So, today I had to bus to and from work. Although it’s a somewhat short and straightforward bus ride, I managed to get some serious knitting done!

It started me thinking– what is knitting etiquette? Is there such a thing? What are the appropriate times to whip out your knitting and go to? I think that knitting while in transit (on a bus, or as a passenger in a car) is perfectly acceptable. I guess most other bus patrons agree; no one even batted an eye at me and my knitting.

Other places I enjoy knitting:

  • Coffee shops
  • Lunch break at work
  • Waiting in long lines
  • Doctor’s offices
  • Watching hockey/football
  • Restaurants (when dining by myself)
  • Any type of transit where I am not driving

Places I avoid knitting:

  • Meetings
  • When (non-knitting) friends are over
  • Restaurants (when dining with others)
  • Live sporting events

Are there any places that are absolutley no knitting zones for you? Or designated knitting times and spaces?


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The other thing I do…

Those who know me know I am obsessive about sports. In particular, I am obsessed with hockey (Vancouver Canucks) and Football (BC Lions in the CFL and New England Patriots in the NFL). Since my car has decided to crap out the week before Christmas, I am spending today sitting on the couch with my two knitting projects and the Patriots on TV.

Last night I watched Saturday Night Live, and laughed harder at a skit than I have in a long time. As many people know, Tebow Mania is sweeping the USA: The ultra Christian Denver Bronco’s QB who apparently sings hymns to get himself psyched up before the game has won the hearts of many, and the distain of many others. SNL picked up on this:



My favourite line?
Jesus: “If I’m the son of God, Tom Brady has gotta be his nephew”.

Love it.

Throwers versus Pickers

I mentioned in my knitting story post that when I first sat down to knit, I got very discouraged and was not able to figure out the technique. I started trying to learn continental style. I couldn’t get it.
English style was a lot easier for me to understand. I have done a bit of searching and English style knitters are also called “throwers”. I’m guessing this is due to the style of “throwing” the yarn over the needle.

Continental knitters are called “pickers”, due to the picking of the string with the needle.

When I talked to some experienced knitters, many of them told me there was no right or wrong way to choose a style, it’s more about what feels right for the person. The advantage of Continental is that it tends to be a lot quicker; the world record holder for number of stitches in a minute (118 for those keeping track) uses continental style. The advantage of English style is that it does tend to be a bit easier to learn, because there is one less thing to consider (how to hold the yarn).

I would eventually like to learn Continental style; now that I’m more comfortable with the stitches I think I could probably do it, but I also don’t want to risk goofing up on my current project as it’s a Christmas gift.

Pickers and throwers, throwers and Pickers! I think I need a t-shirt that says “I’m a thrower”! 😉

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